Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander Einzelkartenübersicht


Outlaws von Thunder Junction reitet im Frühjahr 2024 in die Stadt ein und bringt einige der hartgesottensten Banditen diesseits des Multiversums mit sich."


005Eris, Roar of the StormMM2,94 Eur
006Felix Five-BootsMM1,64 Eur
007Kirri, Talented SproutMM1,40 Eur
008Vihaan, GoldwakerMM1,81 Eur
009Angel of IndemnityWR5,99 Eur
010Angelic Sell-SwordWR1,08 Eur
011Sand ScoutWR1,57 Eur
012We Ride at DawnWR1,49 Eur
013Arcane HeistUR1,69 Eur
014Forger's FoundryUR1,24 Eur
015Lock and LoadUR1,54 Eur
016Smirking SpelljackerUR1,69 Eur
017Thunderclap DrakeUR4,31 Eur
018Back in TownBR1,60 Eur
019Charred GraverobberBR0,92 Eur
020Discreet RetreatBR0,98 Eur
021Heartless ConscriptionBR2,24 Eur
022Orochi Soul-ReaverBR2,11 Eur
023Thieving VarmintBR1,14 Eur
024Cataclysmic ProspectingRR0,95 Eur
025Crackling SpellslingerRR2,34 Eur
026Dead Before SunriseRR0,93 Eur
027Elemental EruptionRR2,06 Eur
028Embrace the UnknownRR2,04 Eur
029Pyretic ChargeRR1,35 Eur
030Smoldering StagecoachRR1,03 Eur
031Dune ChanterGR1,94 Eur
032RumbleweedGR2,12 Eur
033Savvy TraderGR1,73 Eur
034Tower WinderGR5,25 Eur
035Vengeful RegrowthGR1,24 Eur
036Graywater's FixerMR0,93 Eur
037Bounty BoardAR1,33 Eur
038Dream-Thief's BandanaAR1,15 Eur
039Leyline DowserAR3,63 Eur
040Cactus PreserveLR3,42 Eur
077Oblivion SowerCM1,20 Eur
078Angel of the RuinsWU0,89 Eur
079Council's JudgmentWR1,35 Eur
080Descend upon the SinfulWM0,89 Eur
081Heliod's InterventionWR1,73 Eur
082Marshal's AnthemWR0,89 Eur
083Mirror EntityWR1,09 Eur
084Mistmeadow SkulkWU0,89 Eur
085Path to ExileWU2,19 Eur
086Sevinne's ReclamationWR1,25 Eur
087Sun TitanWM1,41 Eur
088Valorous StanceWU0,89 Eur
089Arcane DenialUC4,41 Eur
090Archmage EmeritusUR3,60 Eur
091Baral's ExpertiseUR0,89 Eur
092Curse of the SwineUR0,93 Eur
093Dazzling SphinxUR0,89 Eur
094Deep AnalysisUC0,89 Eur
095Dig Through TimeUR0,95 Eur
096Diluvian PrimordialUR0,92 Eur
097Finale of RevelationUM0,95 Eur
098Ghostly PilfererUR0,89 Eur
099Haughty DjinnUR1,60 Eur
100Midnight ClockUR0,97 Eur
101Mind's DilationUM2,11 Eur
102Murmuring MysticUC1,18 Eur
103Octavia, Living ThesisUR1,07 Eur
104OptUC0,89 Eur
105PonderUC4,61 Eur
106PongifyUU4,64 Eur
107PreordainUC3,25 Eur
108PropagandaUU4,45 Eur
109PteramanderUU0,89 Eur
110Radical IdeaUC0,89 Eur
111Sage of the BeyondUR0,89 Eur
112Serum VisionsUU1,51 Eur
113Shark TyphoonUR5,66 Eur
114Slither BladeUC0,89 Eur
115Stolen GoodsUR0,89 Eur
116Talrand, Sky SummonerUR0,93 Eur
117Tezzeret's GambitUR1,25 Eur
118Thieving SkydiverUR1,03 Eur
119Think TwiceUC0,89 Eur
120Treasure CruiseUC0,89 Eur
121Triton ShorestalkerUC0,89 Eur
122Whirler RogueUU0,89 Eur
123WindfallUU3,93 Eur
124Winged BootsUR2,96 Eur
125Aetherborn MarauderBU0,89 Eur
126Baleful MasteryBR1,43 Eur
127Brainstealer DragonBR2,75 Eur
128Changeling OutcastBC1,63 Eur
129Cunning RhetoricBR1,49 Eur
130Curtains' CallBR0,89 Eur
131Deadly DisputeBC3,80 Eur
132Dire Fleet RavagerBM0,89 Eur
133Fain, the BrokerBR1,02 Eur
134Feed the SwarmBC1,13 Eur
135Gonti, Lord of LuxuryBR0,92 Eur
136HexBR0,89 Eur
137Kamber, the PlundererBR0,89 Eur
138Mari, the Killing QuillBR5,56 Eur
139Marshland BloodcasterBR0,89 Eur
140Massacre GirlBR0,89 Eur
141Misfortune TellerBR0,89 Eur
142Morbid OpportunistBU1,63 Eur
143Nashi, Moon Sage's ScionBM1,41 Eur
144Nighthawk ScavengerBR1,16 Eur
145Ogre SlumlordBR0,89 Eur
146Painful TruthsBR0,89 Eur
147Predators' HourBR0,94 Eur
148Rankle, Master of PranksBR1,69 Eur
149Tenured InkcasterBU0,89 Eur
150Thieving AmalgamBR0,93 Eur
151Veinwitch CovenBR1,56 Eur
152Witch of the MoorsBR2,06 Eur
153Angrath's MaraudersRR0,89 Eur
154Arcane BombardmentRM2,05 Eur
155Big ScoreRC2,48 Eur
156Bitter ReunionRC1,01 Eur
157Bloodthirsty AdversaryRM1,96 Eur
158Captain Lannery StormRR0,89 Eur
159Captivating CrewRR0,89 Eur
160Chaos WarpRR1,66 Eur
161Cursed MirrorRR1,57 Eur
162Dire Fleet DaredevilRR0,89 Eur
163Electric RevelationRC0,89 Eur
164Electrostatic FieldRU1,75 Eur
165Faithless LootingRC1,52 Eur
166Finale of PromiseRM1,43 Eur
167Glittering StockpileRU0,89 Eur
168Grenzo, Havoc RaiserRR1,41 Eur
169GuttersnipeRC0,89 Eur
170Humble DefectorRU0,89 Eur
171Impulsive PilfererRC0,89 Eur
172Laurine, the DiversionRR0,89 Eur
173Magmatic InsightRU0,94 Eur
174Mass MutinyRR0,98 Eur
175Mizzix's MasteryRR1,53 Eur
176Nesting DragonRR1,35 Eur
177Rain of RichesRR2,62 Eur
178Rousing RefrainRR2,20 Eur
179Seize the SpotlightRR2,93 Eur
180Shiny ImpetusRU0,89 Eur
181Storm-Kiln ArtistRU2,11 Eur
182Unholy HeatRC0,89 Eur
183VandalblastRU3,64 Eur
184Volcanic TorrentRU0,89 Eur
185Young PyromancerRU1,15 Eur
186Ancient GreenwardenGM7,40 Eur
187Avenger of ZendikarGM4,55 Eur
188Cazur, Ruthless StalkerGM0,95 Eur
189Crawling SensationGU0,89 Eur
190Eccentric FarmerGC0,89 Eur
191Elvish RejuvenatorGC0,89 Eur
192ExploreGC0,89 Eur
193Genesis HydraGR0,92 Eur
194HarrowGC1,25 Eur
195Hour of PromiseGR1,03 Eur
196Kodama's ReachGC2,41 Eur
197The Mending of DominariaGR0,93 Eur
198Nantuko CultivatorGU0,89 Eur
199Ohran FrostfangGR3,88 Eur
200Oracle of Mul DayaGR5,92 Eur
201Rampant GrowthGC1,51 Eur
202Ramunap ExcavatorGR3,30 Eur
203Return of the WildspeakerGR1,99 Eur
204Satyr WayfinderGC0,89 Eur
205Scute SwarmGR5,37 Eur
206Silhana LedgewalkerGC0,89 Eur
207SkullwinderGU0,89 Eur
208Springbloom DruidGC0,89 Eur
209Three VisitsGU6,20 Eur
210Titania, Protector of ArgothGM1,43 Eur
211Turntimber SowerGR1,03 Eur
212Void AttendantGU0,89 Eur
213Winding WayGC0,89 Eur
214World ShaperGR2,41 Eur
215Baleful StrixMR2,12 Eur
216Boros CharmMU6,03 Eur
217Breena, the DemagogueMM2,11 Eur
218Cold-Eyed SelkieMR0,89 Eur
219Culling RitualMR1,45 Eur
220DecimateMR0,89 Eur
221Edric, Spymaster of TrestMR1,45 Eur
222Epic ExperimentMM0,89 Eur
223Escape to the WildsMR0,95 Eur
224Expressive IterationMU2,27 Eur
225Extract BrainMR0,89 Eur
226Fallen ShinobiMR1,72 Eur
227Galvanic IterationMR1,57 Eur
228Goblin ElectromancerMC0,89 Eur
229Hazezon, Shaper of SandMR0,89 Eur
230Heaven // EarthMR0,89 Eur
231Hostage TakerMR0,89 Eur
232Kaza, Roil ChaserMR0,89 Eur
233Life InsuranceMR1,03 Eur
234The MimeoplasmMR0,94 Eur
235Niv-Mizzet, ParunMR1,51 Eur
236Omnath, Locus of RageMM1,48 Eur
237Plasm CaptureMR0,89 Eur
238PutrefyMU0,89 Eur
239Queen MarchesaMR1,48 Eur
240Shadowmage InfiltratorMR0,92 Eur
241Silent-Blade OniMR1,35 Eur
242Siphon InsightMR0,93 Eur
243Thief of SanityMR0,94 Eur
244Third Path IconoclastMU1,35 Eur
245Thrilling DiscoveryMC0,89 Eur
246Trygon PredatorMU0,89 Eur
247Ukkima, Stalking ShadowMM0,89 Eur
248Veyran, Voice of DualityMM4,61 Eur
249Villainous WealthMR0,89 Eur
250Wreck and RebuildMU0,89 Eur
251Academy ManufactorAR4,47 Eur
252Arcane SignetAC1,88 Eur
253Bladegriff PrototypeAR0,89 Eur
254Chaos WandAR0,89 Eur
255Chromatic LanternAR3,61 Eur
256Darksteel IngotAU0,89 Eur
257Fellwar StoneAU2,10 Eur
258Idol of OblivionAR1,53 Eur
259Izzet SignetAC1,41 Eur
260Lightning GreavesAU7,33 Eur
261Orzhov SignetAC1,18 Eur
262Perennial BehemothAR0,89 Eur
263Perpetual TimepieceAU0,89 Eur
264Prismatic LensAU0,89 Eur
265Rakdos SignetAU1,79 Eur
266ScaretillerAC0,89 Eur
267Sol RingAU2,47 Eur
268Swiftfoot BootsAU4,10 Eur
269Trailblazer's BootsAU1,74 Eur
270Access TunnelLU1,16 Eur
271Battlefield ForgeLR2,68 Eur
272Blackcleave CliffsLR3,85 Eur
273Bojuka BogLC3,04 Eur
274Bonders' EnclaveLR1,69 Eur
275Canyon SloughLR0,95 Eur
276Cascade BluffsLR3,50 Eur
277Caves of KoilosLR2,02 Eur
278Clifftop RetreatLR1,75 Eur
279Command BeaconLR8,15 Eur
280Command TowerLC1,15 Eur
281Darkslick ShoresLR4,27 Eur
282Darkwater CatacombsLR0,95 Eur
283Demolition FieldLU2,09 Eur
284Desert of the FerventLC0,89 Eur
285Desert of the IndomitableLC0,89 Eur
286Desert of the TrueLC0,89 Eur
287Desolate MireLR1,65 Eur
288Dimir AqueductLC0,89 Eur
289Dragonskull SummitLR2,71 Eur
290Drowned CatacombLR2,78 Eur
291Dunes of the DeadLU0,89 Eur
292Evolving WildsLC0,89 Eur
293Exotic OrchardLR1,04 Eur
294Ferrous LakeLR1,70 Eur
295Fetid HeathLR3,79 Eur
296Fetid PoolsLR0,99 Eur
297Flooded GroveLR2,04 Eur
298Frostboil SnarlLR0,95 Eur
299Hashep OasisLU0,89 Eur
300Hinterland HarborLR2,17 Eur
301Isolated ChapelLR2,75 Eur
302Izzet BoilerworksLU0,89 Eur
303Jungle ShrineLU0,89 Eur
304Krosan VergeLU0,89 Eur
305Llanowar WastesLR3,22 Eur
306Nomad OutpostLU1,12 Eur
307Opulent PalaceLU1,25 Eur
308Overflowing BasinLR1,54 Eur
309Painted BluffsLC0,89 Eur
310Path of AncestryLC0,89 Eur
311Ramunap RuinsLU1,52 Eur
312Reliquary TowerLU3,40 Eur
313Rogue's PassageLU1,23 Eur
314Rugged PrairieLR2,69 Eur
315Scattered GrovesLR0,89 Eur
316Scavenger GroundsLR1,40 Eur
317Shadowblood RidgeLR0,94 Eur
318Shefet DunesLU0,89 Eur
319Sheltered ThicketLR0,89 Eur
320Shivan ReefLR2,61 Eur
321Smoldering MarshLR1,19 Eur
322Sulfur FallsLR2,31 Eur
323Sulfurous SpringsLR4,13 Eur
324Sunhome, Fortress of the LegionLU0,89 Eur
325Sunken HollowLR1,20 Eur
326Sunscorched DivideLR1,58 Eur
327Tainted PeakLU1,19 Eur
328Temple of DeceitLR0,94 Eur
329Temple of EpiphanyLR0,89 Eur
330Temple of MaladyLR0,94 Eur
331Temple of MaliceLR0,89 Eur
332Temple of MysteryLR0,89 Eur
333Temple of SilenceLR0,92 Eur
334Temple of the False GodLU0,89 Eur
335Temple of TriumphLR0,89 Eur
336Terramorphic ExpanseLC0,89 Eur
337Twilight MireLR4,61 Eur
338Underground RiverLR5,19 Eur
339Vault of the ArchangelLR1,33 Eur
340Viridescent BogLR1,60 Eur
341Woodland CemeteryLR2,41 Eur
342Yavimaya CoastLR2,20 Eur
001Gonti, Canny AcquisitorMM1,55 Eur
002Olivia, Opulent OutlawMM8,63 Eur
003Stella Lee, Wild CardMM2,88 Eur
004Yuma, Proud ProtectorMM1,20 Eur
041Eris, Roar of the StormMM4,93 Eur
042Felix Five-BootsMM2,21 Eur
043Kirri, Talented SproutMM1,15 Eur
044Vihaan, GoldwakerMM2,50 Eur
045Angel of Indemnity (Extended)WR5,13 Eur
046Angelic Sell-Sword (Extended)WR0,95 Eur
047Sand Scout (Extended)WR0,94 Eur
048We Ride at Dawn (Extended)WR1,15 Eur
049Arcane Heist (Extended)UR1,34 Eur
050Forger's Foundry (Extended)UR0,94 Eur
051Lock and Load (Extended)UR1,03 Eur
052Smirking Spelljacker (Extended)UR1,67 Eur
053Thunderclap Drake (Extended)UR3,33 Eur
054Back in Town (Extended)BR1,25 Eur
055Charred Graverobber (Extended)BR0,89 Eur
056Discreet Retreat (Extended)BR0,89 Eur
057Heartless Conscription (Extended)BR1,53 Eur
058Orochi Soul-Reaver (Extended)BR1,68 Eur
059Thieving Varmint (Extended)BR0,89 Eur
060Cataclysmic Prospecting (Extended)RR0,89 Eur
061Crackling Spellslinger (Extended)RR1,49 Eur
062Dead Before Sunrise (Extended)RR0,89 Eur
063Elemental Eruption (Extended)RR1,49 Eur
064Embrace the Unknown (Extended)RR1,67 Eur
065Pyretic Charge (Extended)RR0,95 Eur
066Smoldering Stagecoach (Extended)RR0,89 Eur
067Dune Chanter (Extended)GR1,50 Eur
068Rumbleweed (Extended)GR1,94 Eur
069Savvy Trader (Extended)GR1,35 Eur
070Tower Winder (Extended)GR4,96 Eur
071Vengeful Regrowth (Extended)GR0,89 Eur
072Graywater's Fixer (Extended)MR0,89 Eur
073Bounty Board (Extended)AR1,03 Eur
074Dream-Thief's Bandana (Extended)AR1,14 Eur
075Leyline Dowser (Extended)AR2,87 Eur
076Cactus Preserve (Extended)LR2,67 Eur

exkl. Versandkosten